Thursday 26 January 2017

Storyboard For Our Thriller Opening

Once we decided our story line for our thriller opening I begun creating and typing up a detailed storyboard. This outlined what camera angles we would use, what cuts we'll be using, what costumes our characters will be wearing, what non-diegetic sounds and music will be added etc. After typing up everything we then printed them off and each person in our group got a sheet. Where we each drew the shots we are going to use in that particular scene when filming. This would make it eaiser for us when it came to filming, so we wouldn't get confused.

1 comment:

  1. After some consideration we have decided to change parts of the storyboard in order to make our story not only become clearer but also including more interesting and unique shots. This means that our script does not match our storyboard and certain shots in our overall opening have been changed or added. This is for the benefit of the overall opening, which we are hoping will turn out better.
