Monday 23 January 2017

AS Media | Preliminary Task Evaluation

Here is our final edit of our preliminary task which we all planned, filmed and edited ourselves. We made sure that we used a variety of camera shots including close ups, mid shots, over the shoulder shot etc. In addition to this we also used all three different features in our task, which are Shot Reverse Shot, 180 Degree Rule and Match on Action. All of these shots were used effectively in order to make the story line flow better and to help the audience understand it better.

When filming we made sure that everyone had a chance to film in order for us all to gain skills, in preparation for our thriller opening.

When editing, again, we made sure everyone had a chance to edit our footage. This would help us all develop our skills for the thriller opening.

1 comment:

  1. It would be a good idea to analyse one or two scenes that you either filmed or edited, explaining your decisions and evaluating their success.
    Mrs H
