Wednesday 8 February 2017

Analysis of 'CAPTIVE' Thriller Opening

My first impression of this Thriller Opening is there is a good use of location and additional special effects makeup, which helped increase the suspense throughout the whole video. The location works effectively because it gives an ominous feeling throughout. In addition, we are unaware of where he is and the abandoned feeling that we (as an audience) gives a sense of danger. Moreover, the use of special effects makeup increases the sense of danger, we also feel sympathetic towards his character and we question who or what has done this to him. This is important for a Thriller Opening because you do not want to reveal too much to the audience and you want to leave them questioning and intrigued for 'the rest of the film'.
Straight away in the beginning we are shown various shots of the victims hands, feet and a close up of his face. The use of additional props like the blood and rope leave the audience questioning the characters safety and what has happened to him. This is effective because even when it is just the very beginning of the opening, already the audience is on edge and nervous about what is going to happen. The close up of his face at the very beginning where his head is down slightly allows us to see how he is feeling, he is obviously disorientated and unaware of whats happening. With the addition of point of view shots this confirms his disorientated state, as this particular shot is blurred and not controlled/steady. I think this shot works well because the audience is able to get a insight into how the victim is feeling, adding to the thriller effect. An extreme close up further on as he wakes up reveals the injuries he has sustained in more detail, whilst also being able to see the confusion in his face.
Something else I like about this particular opening is there is no script, this adds to the ominous effect and leaves the audience questioning whats going to happen without being given any information. However, towards the end of the opening when the character was fully awake, he began screaming the word "HELP!", this gives a very disturbing and creepy feeling for the audience which is an effective way to reach an audience.  In addition, I also liked the use of cuts from his face to the rope round his hands and feet, representing his agitation and fear as he tries to escape. Moreover, the use of flashbacks, non-diegetic and the mysterious character help express the thriller theme that was aimed for when making this. By thriller theme I mean the increase in suspense, slight mystery behind certain characters and situations and occasional intense action scenes. Furthermore, a vital part about a thriller is there being an exciting plot and these aspects can help draw the audience attention in a keep them engaged throughout. So far (even though it is only an opening) from this clip it is clear that the audience is engaged and wanting to find out what happens to the character whilst also wanting to know more about the mystery character and the motive behind it.
To conclude I believe this is a very successful thriller opening where the group that made it had put a lot of thought into the shots and positioning of the characters. The particular shots that were used were the highlight of the whole opening, as some were unique and others were edited in a particular order that allowed the audience to not only understand the plot but how the character is feeling better.

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